Objectives and Tasks


The Islamic Revolution of Iran, under the leadership of Imam Khomeini, was a major development in the closing decade of the 20th century that altered the political equations of the region and even that of the world, and was duly named the prodigy of the century. Since the root causes and factors behind the emergence and culmination of the Islamic Revolution exist in the history of the movements by the prophets and Islam, and because the past-century history of Iran has played a key role in paving the way for political, cultural and social movements, Imam Khomeini Research Institute, as an academic and educational institution, realized the need for establishment of a course titled “History of Islamic Revolution” to “thoroughly and academically study this major development”. This program intends to train postgraduate and PhD students who will specialize on the life and code of conduct of Imam Khomeini, review the nature of Islamic Revolution from a historical point of view and cover theories presented by the domestic and foreign thinkers. Moreover, the course has been planned to discover new theories and notions in this field.





  1. Conducting historical-political research on the history of Islamic Revolution
  2. Training researchers on the history of Islamic Revolution
  3. Paving the way for promotion of historical and political thoughts and promoting public awareness on these issues
  4. Studying the factors behind the victory of Islamic Revolution and its impediments
  5. Training specialized scholars and academic staff for the universities and higher education centers       




  1. Conducting research projects, authoring and translating texts and articles on the related fields
  2. Preparing and reviewing research projects and academic program of the related fields and proposing them to the authorities
  3. Preparing and reviewing the curriculum needed for research-educational programs, as well as identification, compilation, translation or preparation of related textbooks
  4. Organizing academic seminars and meeting inside Iran by each department in a bid to realize the following goals: A)  Explanation and interpretation of Imam Khomeini’s works. B) Comparative study of intellectual foundations of Imam Khomeini’s thought and other thinkers and scholars





The Islamic Revolution put an end to a long period of monarchy in Iran and set a new era of political life in our society. In addition to its domestic significance, the Islamic Revolution had its international reflections and drew the attention of the international public opinion as the most important phenomenon in the 20th century. In this sense, the majority of world sociologists, historians, politicians and thinkers focused on this revolution. Studying the Islamic Revolution and introducing its various aspects to the world are the two major tasks of the academics. It is clear that if the Iranian society fails to introduce the realities and achievements of the Islamic Revolution to the young generation inside the country and even to the other nations, they will be disinformed by the political propaganda of the enemies of the Islamic Revolution who will spare no efforts to present a distorted image of this revolution. Therefore, training researchers specialized in the Iranian society and Islamic Revolution must be atop the agenda of the decision-makers and senior officials of the Islamic Republic of Iran.